Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Final Three

When creating my final images I did feel that the choice to change the material of the spiral to metal was not a positive one as it created a very static, cold look that did not allow any sun flow. But when trying to revert it back to glass i could not get the result I required. More investigation on how to this is required

Final Two

Final One

When moved through to Deep exploration the glass idea was very hard to work with so I changed the material in sketch up to resemble a smoothed metal finish.

Wanted to make the panels in the waterfall glass so light could reflect through

An artistic waterfall feature was my final idea of a concept for my Spiral design

Abandoning my idea of the ground formation, spirals took my eye when browsing through deisgn books

Playing around with ramp ideas
Trying to create an illusion between the ground and a ramp like structure conection
My idea is to take the incline of a traditional ramp and create a very untraditional sculptured waterfall. This waterfall will be designed to be placed in a public area somewhere in the inner city for people to relax around. I would like to incorperate seating, but nothing that deters attention away from the waterfall itself. The flow of the water will not be fast or loud, i intend to design it in a fashion thats creates a nice visual and aural atmosphere. Sunlight will be a big factor in my design and i intend to use a material that allows sun flow through bends of the spirals.